Tuesday, June 7, 2016

You Can Do It!! Changing Your Own Oil In 7 Easy Steps

When it comes to self-car maintenance, some of us tend to chicken out.  That's understandable.  We look at our cars and see these giant, heavy machines with wires and hoses going every-which-way and valves and caps and bolts all holding together what you can only assume are vital and complicated parts of the engine. And we wouldn't even know where to begin!  No, you should not mess with such a complicated piece of machinery yourself..

While it's true that, yes, some fixes are better left to the professionals; there are quite a few time/money-saving car fixes and upkeep tasks that you can do for yourself. One of the simplest and most important of these is: The Oil Change. Every 3,000 (or so) miles, every car needs an oil change.  This would cost you about $40 every 3 months.  But you can cut that cost in half by doing this easy task, yourself.

Tools Needed for the job: 

Helpful Tip:  Your owner's manual will tell you what weight or type of oil to use and how much you will need. For most vehicles, 5-quarts is sufficient. Your manual should also tell you which oil filter to use, as well. 

Chang Your Own Oil in 7 Easy Steps:

  1. You want the engine to be warm, but not hot, when you drain the oil. So if you've just driven it, let it cool for a bit. 
  2. Elevate your vehicle. Place your car on ramps or use jack stands. Make sure that the car is in park and that the parking brake is enabled. 
  3. Remove the oil cap and set it to the side. Then locate the drain plug underneath the car. Position the pan under the plug and loosen the plug with a wrench (make sure not to strip the plug, or you will have to replace it). 
  4. Drain the oil into the pan and re-tighten plug.
  5. Locate the oil filter. Put the pan under the filter and then remove it with the oil filter wrench. Wipe the filter with a rag. Before you install the new filter, apply a little oil to the gasket on the oil filter. This will ensure the filter is flush with the car. Tighten the new oil filter by hand, making sure that the gasket is sealed tight. You are now done with the underside of the car!
  6. Back up top: Place a funnel inside the oil repository and start adding fresh oil to the engine. Add until filled to max level.
  7. Run the engine with the car still elevated, for 2 minutes. Check underneath to make sure that no oil is leaking. Once you're sure it's sealed tight and no oil will leak, lower the car and turn off the engine. 
That's it!! 

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